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Ready to Spring Forward? But First, Prep Your Immune System for the Changing Season!

The Spring Season is right around the corner, but the weather conditions may not always feel like it! There is no telling when cold conditions will completely subside and warm weather will become consistent. However, the inconsistent temperatures can cause the body to experience a roller coaster of temperatures, which can increase chances of catching a cold.

Even though flu season is nearing its end, there is still a risk.  This is especially true for older adults.  Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy and prepare one’s immune system for the transition from winter to spring.

1) Spend time in the Sun – When the weather is beautiful out, spend as much time outside as possible! Research by Oregon State University found that Vitamin D plays a significant role in keeping your defense system strong. Adrian Gombart, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, states, “it is essential that we have both an innate immune response that provides an immediate and front line of defense, but we also have protection against an overreaction by the immune system, which is what you see in sepsis and some autoimmune or degenerative diseases.”

The daily amount of vitamin D you need depends on your age, according to the National Institutes of Health. Adults aged 19 to 70 should get 600 IU per day, while adults 71 and older should get 800 IU per day. Most people can acquire the daily amount through sun exposure, but others may need more. Reach out to your doctor if you are unsure, as he or she can recommend vitamin D-rich foods or supplements.

2) Watch Your Sugar Intake – Refined sugars do not have an excellent reputation when it comes to overall health. Did you know that they can negatively impact the body’s defense structure? Lifestyle Blog, Sun Warrior, claims that sugars increase inflammation and damage cells. They can destroy the immune system.

Avoid refined sugars as much as possible. Are you craving a sweet treat? Read our latest sugar-free dessert blog post here.

3) Get Active – By exercising on a regular basis, you will improve your cardiovascular health, lower your blood pressure, maintain your weight and strengthen your immune system to ward off various diseases and illnesses. According to Harvard Health Publications, a regular fitness regimen may directly relate to a boosted immune system because it promotes good cell circulation.

4) Get Proper Rest– Without enough sleep, your body does not have the chance to recover from the day and recharge for the next. A lack of sleep can weaken the immune system, and ultimately increase your chance of getting sick as the seasons change. To be well-rested, The Sleep Foundation recommends older adults get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. If you do not usually hit these numbers, consider taking a nap during the day.

With these tips, your body (and immune system!) will be ready to spring forward in no time! Do you have any other tips that you follow? We would love to read what you do to transition from winter to spring. Curious about a Reverse Mortgage? Give us a call at 1-800-420-5515 to learn how this federally-insured loan can improve the quality of your retirement.


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